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Shop Split

Fast Facts

name : Sachi Hartley
hometown : Saratoga, CA
age : 29
favorite Split flavor : Peanut Butter and Blueberry
dream Split flavor :  Peanut Butter and Blackberry
how do you Split? : Straight from the pack – I'm all about convenience!


What do you do for work?

I own a coffee shop in Culver City called SACHI.LA.


What do you do for fun?

Yoga & house plants.


Do your "worlds" ever cross over?

Believe it or not, a skill I've picked up through caring for my house plants is how to better maintain relationships with my customers. Both need a little care and attention to flourish!


Why and how do you use Split in each of your "personalities"?

Split is great for me when I'm on the move at the coffee shop and need a little snack break, but don't have the time for anything major. For the same reason, I enjoy split during my breaks between working with plants- they're perfect for gardening because I can easily enjoy them even when my hands are covered in soil.


What is your biggest passion – what excites you and motivates you?

My biggest passion is making people feel welcomed and loved, and my work at the shop is the perfect medium for me to do that with as many individuals as possible.


How do you make your community better?

I do my best to lead by example at the coffee shop, to acknowledge and conversate with every customer that enters the shop. Remembering names, striking up conversation, or giving compliments goes a long way to making the community feel like they have a place to connect.


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